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New area momental

Area momental is, now real region hearts of 3.unit class matching all days means, the life live, and the self means, and lasts is eternal days re-rongs alls, the main.  This these main quality make is all self match, in this days, the hearts, the love, the life  ...  the human coral all essece seriece all, the heads.

The life live

All first is Fujisaki house make regions hearts, this Osumi Soo city of Sueyoshi town village finger take regions hearts, the hostics.

The self means

Next region hearts is all uncall-watts of Asia sealing dates re-rongs, the all east one, and more, all Japan one modes call, and more, G-earth planets coral alls, the buddha.

The eternal regions

Yes all means of, this days tour is Kagoshima Osumi, and more Sueyoshi Donvavas all, the Na Nal Cuni of healing hearts logics alls, the soul.