Who is pre war.??
On the contrary, I can't be the Lord
cock rock horse ride
social people
rooming one:
There is no such thing as social communism that rejects democratic action....
民主活動を拒否する社会的共産主義などありません ... .
Minshu katsudō o kyohi suru shakai-teki Kyōsan shugi nado arimasen....
A world where we obey...
従スル世の中ナル世界 ... .
Ju Suru Yononaka Naru Sekai . . . .
An era where people question their own minds
under outer
Your Title
There are people who ask others about their thoughts... They ask about their thoughts... Other people cannot imagine what they are thinking... No one can predict or forecast what they are thinking or feeling...
自分の頭を他人へ質問されている方々がおられます ... 思い 思うことを質問する ... . その思いを他人は 思いはかる ことはできません ... 何をどう思い どう思えているのか ... 予測予想することなど誰にもできません ... .
Jibun no atama o tanin e shitsumon sa rete iru katagata ga ora remasu... Omoi omoukoto o shitsumon suru.... Sono omoi o tanin wa omoi hakaru koto wa dekimasen... Nani o dō omoi dō omoete iru no ka... Yosoku yosō suru koto nado darenimo dekimasen....
self me vote
self rong
Social democratic party
The United Nations is organized as a social democracy... Therefore, complaints against this party will not be accepted... Since socialism is at the current stage of civilization in each country, there are many different types of brains...
社会民主主義で 世界国連は組織編成されています ... ゆえに この政党への苦情は受理されません ... それぞれの国家での文明的現段階における社会主義ですので 頭脳は千差万別です ... .
Shakai minshu shugi de sekai Kokuren wa soshiki hensei sa rete imasu... Yueni kono seitō e no kujō wa juri sa remasen... Sorezore no kokka de no bunmei-teki gen dankai ni okeru shakai shugidesunode zunō wa sensabanbetsudesu....
Leaving the decision up to others... Making the decision yourself is betrayal...
判断を他人へ委ね ... 判定を自分でするなどウラギリです ... .
Setting a calm mind to fapra is also spreading ideas and religions to the blue universe and introducing this blue earth to everyone....
平常心を fapra へ設定することは 思想と宗教を青い宇宙へ伝搬させることともなり この青い地球をすべてへ紹介することともなります ... .
Byōjōshin o fapra e settei suru koto wa shisō to shūkyō o aoi uchū e denpan sa seru koto-tomo nari kono aoi chikyū o subete e shōkai suru koto to mo narimasu....
The current female students of Japanese junior high schools who are taking the secondary course have the intention to have a new view of the universe called fapra, and they would like to hear more about it....To realize this, they would like to hold lectures on thought and religion to learn about the love of animals and the hearts of plants, and they also want to open thought classes that focus on the principle of community education....
中等課程を履修ある現日本国中学校女子生徒の皆様は fapra という新しい宇宙観を所持されたい意向もあり 詳しい話をお聞きしたいと 願われているようです ... . これらへの実現には 動物の愛と植物の心を学ぶための思想と宗教の教育聴講の実現でもあり 地域社会教育を原理筆頭する思想教室の開講をのぞむ声でもあります ... .
Chūtō katei o rishū aru gen Nipponkoku chūgakkō joshi seito no minasama wa fapra to iu atarashī uchū-kan o shoji sa retai ikō mo ari kuwashī hanashi o o kiki shitai to negawa rete iru yōdesu.... Korera e no jitsugen ni wa dōbutsu no ai to shokubutsu no kokoro o manabu tame no shisō to shūkyō no kyōiku chōkō no jitsugende mo ari chiiki shakai kyōiku o genri hittō suru shisō kyōshitsu no kaikō o nozomu koe demo arimasu....
Ideological rebels will start to socialize stability by supplying ideas... Religious rebels can be stopped by setting up a master god... National reactionary factors cannot... The current Japan Opposition Alliance has already declared its opposition to socialism, so they have developed a theory of betrayal as their main political principle... These will never be cured... You will have to live the rest of your life with this betrayal method as your main axis...
思想的反乱分子は 思想の供給で安定を社会主義し始めます ... 宗教的反乱因子は 主なる神の設定でこれらの反抗をくい止めることができえます ... 国家的反動因子は 不可能です ... すでに社会主義にさえも反対を表明ある現日本国反対同盟の皆様であるので ウラギリを主要政治要綱として理論整備されています ... これらは治ることは永久にありません ... このウラギリ手法を主軸にこれからの人生を歩いていただくこととなります ... .
Shisō-teki hanran bunshi wa shisō no kyōkyū de antei o shakai shugi shi hajimemasu... Shūkyō-teki hanran inshi wa omonaru kami no settei de korera no hankō o kuitomeru koto ga deki emasu... Kokka-teki handō inshi wa fukanōdesu... Sudeni shakai shugi ni sae mo hantai o hyōmei aru gen Nipponkoku hantai dōmei no minasamadearunode uragiri o shuyō seiji yōkō to shite riron seibi sa rete imasu... Korera wa naoru koto wa towa ni arimasen... Kono uragiri shuhō o shujiku ni korekara no jinsei o aruite itadaku koto to narimasu....
Sorry is prime mini strating
main opinion
Rebellion is a method of self-sabotage of the path we have chosen...Our ideology and religion cannot save us from the formation of rebel elements who make this political method the main actor in self-governance...Sorry, we are living our days in prime, taking pride in our small pride....
自ら選んでいる道のりを 自らで挫折する手法なるが 反乱 ... この政治手法を自己行政主役させる反乱分子形成を わたし達の思想や宗教でお救いすることなど永久にできえません ... Sorry どうもすみません わたし達はほんの小さなプライドを誇りとするプライムで日々を生活しています ... .
Mizukara erande iru michinori o mizukara de zasetsu suru shuhōnaruga hanran... Kono seiji shuhō o jiko gyōsei shuyaku sa seru hanran bunshi keisei o watashi-tachi no shisō ya shūkyō de o sukui suru koto nado eikyū ni deki emasen... Sōrī dōmo sumimasen watashi-tachi wa hon'no chīsana puraido o hokori to suru puraimu de hibi o seikatsu shite imasu....
A rebellious politics that made life impossible even for ancient primitive barbarians...There is no social education theory that can educate the current Japanese opposition alliance members who are self-thinking about this social rebellion outline...It is a very serious rebellion formation, as they are being called into question at the very core...They are demanding an integer revision of their own biological nature...I don't even know how to theoretically treat it...
古代原始野蛮人でさえ生活を不可能するウラギリ政治 ... これを自己思想されている現日本国の反対同盟の皆様の社会的反乱要綱を 教育主事できる社会教育理論などはありません ... 自らの頭を質問されている状態なので 相当に深刻なる反乱形成です ... 自らの生体性を整数改正要求ある ... どう理論治療してよいかさえもわかりません ... .
Kodai genshi yaban hitode sae seikatsu o fukanō suru uragiri seiji... Kore o jiko shisō sa rete iru gen Nipponkoku no hantai dōmei no minasama no shakai-teki hanran yōkō o kyōiku shuji dekiru shakai kyōiku riron nado wa arimasen... Mizukara no atama o shitsumon sa rete iru jōtainanode sōtō ni shinkokunaru hanran keiseidesu... Mizukara no seitai-sei o seisū kaisei yōkyū aru... Dō riron chiryō shite yoi ka sae mo wakarimasen....
The people of Earth generally respect, cherish and support Allah or Jesus Christ, and in the East, Buddha, as their Lord... but they do not even have a king or a pope who is their Lord...
地球人類は 普通はアッラー神やイエス・キリスト様を 東洋ではブッダ様を 自らの主と敬い尊び慈しみ支えておられます ... 自らを主する国王や法王さえおられません ... .
Chikyū jinrui wa futsū wa arrā-shin ya iesu Kirisuto-sama o tōyōde wa budda-sama o mizukara no omo to uyamai tattobi itsukushimi sasaete ora remasu... Mizukara o omo suru kokuō ya hōō sae ora remasen....
main quality
You must not sell your friends or people... Politics is something to buy, not something to sell... This is what the current opposition alliance in Japan is doing... Selling the heavens, selling the earth, selling our lives... We cannot save this rebellious element... Samurai entrust it to the sword, never draw the sword...
友や人を売るといけません ... 政治とは 買うモノ であり 売るモノ ではありません ... このイケナイコトを 現日本国の反対同盟の皆様は なされています ... 天を売る 地を売る 命を売る ... この反乱因子をわたし達は救うことができません ... Samurai は剣にそれを委ねます 剣を抜くことはありません ... .
Tomo ya hito o uruto ikemasen... Seiji to wa kau monodeari uru monode wa arimasen... Kono ikenaikoto o gen Nipponkoku no hantai dōmei no minasama wa nasa rete imasu... Ten o uru ji o uru inochi o uru... Kono hanran inshi o watashi-tachi wa sukuu koto ga dekimasen... Samurai wa ken ni sore o yudanemasu ken o nuku koto wa arimasen....
The country will never abandon anyone. The gods in the heavens have designated me as their child and are sending me to this land to use my greatest talents.
国は いかなる方も見捨てることはありません 天なる神々も このわたくしを神なる子と定めて この地へ使わせています 最高の才能を使わせています ... .
Kuni wa ikanaru hō mo misuteru koto wa arimasen ten'naru kamigami mo kono watakushi o Kami Naruko to sadamete kono ji e tsukawa sete imasu saikō no sainō o tsukawa sete imasu....
Naidenshiganar in words...Can do anything...Can make various things possible...If that's so, then we'll betray, and then we'll go further and rebel against ideology and religion...We can never survive in this world with these political and administrative methods...There's no such thing as political entertainment that puts traitors in the administrative roles....
言葉における ナイデンシガナル ... なんでもできる ... 色々な事柄を可能可定する ... そうであるならば とウラギリ それならと ツメヨリ 思想と宗教を反乱する ... この政治手法と行政手段で この世を生き抜くことなど永久にできえません ... ウラギリを行政主役させる政治芸能などもありません ... .
Kotoba ni okeru naidenshiganaru... Nan demo dekiru... Iroirona kotogara o kanō-ka jō suru... Sōdearunaraba to uragiri sorenara to tsumeyori shisō to shūkyō o hanran suru... Kono seiji shuhō to gyōsei shudan de konoyo o ikinuku koto nado eikyū ni deki emasen... Uragiri o gyōsei shuyaku sa seru seiji geinō nado mo arimasen....
business raw
You completely primitive barbarians are operating clubs and bars independently, and the theory is separated into two parts, the customer and the establishment, and the economy and business are defined as the premise that the customer pays money to the establishment... In this type of entertainment-style economy, the business law is that the party being entertained pays money...
完全に原始野蛮な皆様は クラブやバーを自主運営されると 客と店と2つに理論を分離され 経済され 商法され 客が店へ貨幣を支払うと 前提を定義されています ... この様な接待形式の経済では 接待される側が金銭を支払うと 営業法 business raw されています ... .
You completely primitive barbarians are operating clubs and bars independently, and the theory is separated into two parts, the customer and the establishment, and the economy and business are defined as the premise that the customer pays money to the establishment... In this type of entertainment-style economy, the business law is that the party being entertained pays money...
pre battle
The method of arguing the premise is an argument that uses the principle of cruelty to life as a weapon...Accepting these arguments will ensure that the disputing party will continue to lose...We cannot engage in political struggles while ignoring modern judicial proceedings....
前提を争う手法は 生命を虐待する原理を武器とする口論です ... これらへの受理は 争う側に敗訴が確定し続けます ... 現代的司法裁判を無視しながらの政治闘争などはできえません ... .
Zentei o arasou shuhō wa seimei o gyakutai suru genri o buki to suru kōrondesu... Korera e no juri wa arasou gawa ni haiso ga kakutei shi tsudzukemasu... Gendai-teki shihōsaiban o mushi shinagara no seiji tōsō nado wa deki emasen....
It is impossible to continue to seek peace while still being warlike in nature... There is no way a country can be protected by treasonous methods that use the people as a shield to protect oneself...
戦争をする本質で 平和を求め続けるなどできえません ... 国民を盾に 自らを守るウラギリ手法で 国を守れるなどありません ... .
Sensō o suru honshitsu de heiwa o motome tsudzukeru nado de kiemasen... Kokumin o tate ni mizukara o mamoru uragiri shuhō de kuni o mamoreru nado arimasen....
The current Japan Anti-State Alliance, which profits from the idea that the state is useless and that the state is a victim, continues to define the people as the state and the defendants... It's a pretty brutal scam in front of train stations and violent disposal of refugees in rural areas... It's a sneaky method of profiting from a defeated state...
国は不能であり被国であるを営利する現日本国反対同盟の皆様は 国民を国と定め 被告と前提定義し続けます ... かなりの駅前サギであり 暴力的地方難民処理 ... 敗戦国を営利するウラギリ手法です ... .
Kuni wa funōdeari hi kunidearu o eiri suru gen Nipponkoku hantai dōmei no minasama wa kokumin o kuni to sadame hikoku to zentei teigi shi tsudzukemasu... Kanari no ekimae sagideari bōryoku-teki chihō nanmin shori... Haisen kuni o eiri suru uragiri shuhōdesu....
In a philosophy that places the self as the master, there is no submissive attitude...
我を主とする思想には 従などは設定されません ... .
Ga O Omo To Suru Shisō Ni Wa cóng Nado Wa Settei Sa re Mase N . . . .
all one
There are many different social phenomena in this world, and it is impossible to be the main focus of all of them... Everything is something we choose to follow and understand...
この世の中なる社会には 色々と多数の社会事象はあり そのすべてを main することなどできえません ... すべては 常に 従 understanding することを選択し続けています ... .
Kono Yononaka Naru Shakai Ni Wa Iroiro To Tasū No Shakai Jishō Wa Ari Sono Subete O Mēn Suru Koto Nado Deki E ma Sen . . . Subete Wa Tsuneni cóng Understanding Suru Koto O Sentaku Shi Tsudzuke Tei Masu . . . .
We must continue to choose the subordinate and equally eliminate the magnetic gravity that is the cause of the problem... Choosing the master is to make everything Uragil... The main must always be determined as gravity G... It is natural that gravity exists and there is life...
従を選択し続け カチアイ なる 磁重力 を 等分 に消去し続けなければなりません ... 主を選択することは すべてをウラギル ... main は常に 重力なる G と定めなければなりません ... アタリマエ natural 重力があり 生命があります ... .
Ju O Sentaku Shi Tsudzuke Kachiai Naru cí Jūryoku O Hitoshi Bun Ni Shōkyo Shi Tsudzuke Nakere Ba Nari Mase N . . . Omo O Sentaku Suru Koto Wa Subete O Uragiru . . . Mēn Wa Tsuneni Jūryoku Naru G To Sadame Nakere Ba Nari Mase N . . . Atarimae Nachuraru Jūryoku Ga Ari Seimei Ga Arimasu . . . .
show business