What is the over working.??


system is silentive

National Infrastructure Policy

the time eN-tunnel:  


The Cock-cards of system main role make on the system eN-rich makes logics, the havu fun.

01_それは 言えぬ

02_それは 癒えぬ

We are the all worlds, the have fun.

poem region hearts:  

The state should define the individuality of each person as society... Each society and state is a continuous chain of this society, and the talented people who lead it are unable to find employment and their livelihoods are not protected... We are destined to continue to ideologically support these talented and pure citizens...

ひとそれぞれにある個有を 国家は社会と定義すべきです ... それぞれの社会 国家はこの社会の連鎖連続であり それを牽引する優秀なる人材は就職は不能であり 生活は保護されません ... わたし達は この優秀なる清純なる国民を思想支援し続けなければならない運命にあります ... . 

system creative all



Over talk of life shut done

The current situation is that common sense in prisons, which are rehabilitation facilities, is not understood in the general society... To maintain the status quo and make this a political philosophy is to shut it off... It is an argument to keep others at bay... If you say Shabari, Shaberi, you will get prison snow... There are also common sense, everyday passwords in prison rehabilitation facilities: Shabarunayo, Shabade dabada... It is urgent that these become more widely known...

刑務所という刑務更生施設での常識が 一般社会で通じえていない現状です ... これを現状維持と政治哲学するのは 切り替え  shut done ... 他を寄せつけないための口論です ... . シャバリ シャベリをイバリすると刑務所雪となります ... 刑務更生施設での常識的日常系合言葉もあります シャバルナヨ シャバデダバダ ... これらの一般的普及が急務です ... . 

web blog

Personally informing acquaintances, friends and family about my current situation to reassure them... I, too, have many friends, acquaintances and family... all over the world... There has been a long period of silence, and also activity on the web, which has even caused various reactions....

個人的に知人や友人や家族へ 自己の今なる状況状態を連絡し 安心してもらう  eN-worlding ... このわたくしなるボクにも 大勢の友人や知人や家族がいます ... 世界中にいます ... 長い間 沈黙もあり またウェブでの活動もあり 色々と反響さえも呼んでいます ... . 


There are people who neglect to develop the theory of their own intellectual knowledge system, such as the members of the current Japan Opposition League... They are all egocentric people who prioritize their own brains and bodies...

自己自身の頭脳的知識機構を理論整備する  heados  を怠りある方々がおられます 現日本国反対同盟なる皆様方 ... 自らの脳体を優先する自己中心主義なる皆様方です ... . 



Those who have no memory and have memorized the main points of instruction can predict that there will be confrontations in instruction and education... Those who have no desire to change the current tendency toward the death penalty are neglecting to organize their own minds... It is the height of foolishness for those who have organized themselves so carelessly to plot to intervene in the principles of the current Japanese national and social system... Furthermore, the High Commissioner's request... is clearly a malicious plot to seize sovereignty over a territory with a false and inappropriate approach... There is no national fundamental human rights law that can protect against these...

指導指示の拠点項目を自己暗記な記憶不在体は 指導教育での対立対決を行為あると予測できえます ... 死刑へと流動する現在性質の変更意欲なき方々は 自己頭脳整備を怠りあります ... あまりにもズサンに自己自身を理論整備ある方々が 現日本国国家社会制度への原理介入を画策あるのは愚かの究極です ... さらに 高等弁務なる希望要求 ... 明らかにアベコベのツベコベで範囲主権を握ろうとする悪意画策です ... これらをマーベルできる国家基本的人権法などはありません ... . 


Stock option war...Competition to secure brain sex ratio...Misaligned theoretical preparation of one's own brain and body...World War III breaks out when the opposition alliance joins the World Peace Operation...Tragedy caused by a competitive game....

Rebellion by retired civil servants who still lack theoretical preparation...Failure to organize debate; national tragedy caused by a motion of no confidence in the Secretary of State...Over-achieving to create a topic; tragedy caused by the tragic settlement of farmers' psychology in the third agricultural policy against scarab beetles...Calamozia damage....

ストックオプションウォー ... 脳性比率確保競争 ... 自己脳体の理論整備チガイ ... 反対同盟が世界平和作戦へ参加参入することによる第3次世界対戦の勃発 ... 対戦ゲームによる悲劇 ... . 

まだ理論整備を不全する退職系国家公務員による反乱 ... 議論整備の不全 国務長官不信任案提出による国家的悲劇 ... 話題つくりの超過釣果作 第3次コガネムシ対策農政悲哀による悲劇的農民心理の妥結による悲劇 ... カラモジア被害 ... . 

Your Title

The damage caused by exceeding the theoretical policy protection measures of the core theory is 8 quadrillion trillion yen. The collapse of the foundation...

中核原論の理論政策保護対策の超過による釣果被害額8千京兆 財団法人の崩壊 ... . 

shut done war

Under line lane of

Those who lack the logical principles to switch between events and shut them down tend to shut down society's freedom of speech, mainly due to their age and advanced years... They are only interested in entertainment and have no understanding of the level of social anxiety... They are also perverted old men who attack old people, and they are theorizing about perversion...

事象を切り替えて  shut done  させる論理的理論原理の未整備なる方々は 老齢や高齢を主因に社会を言論封鎖する傾向にあります ... 本人は遊興と娯楽されており 社会的不安様度を御理解されえておられません ... ヘンタイオヤジによるジサマ攻撃でもあり ヘンタイを理論整備されておられます ... . 

Name of shocking

Few ordinary citizens would consider these to be the third... Those who are military personnel would understand this to be the third... It is a variety of bottom-line measures at the current stage, and the theoretical choice is to quickly resolve the issues of concern... It is also the start of a theoretical uproar due to the shocking revelation of a logical theoretical principle, and it is also the third theoretical war by people who are ignorant of society....

一般的社会市民では これらをサードと受け止める方々は少ないです ... 軍人で生きる者は これをサードと理解します ... 現段階における様々な底辺措置でもあり 懸念される事象は早急に解決するなるが理論選択されます ... Nama of shocking ショッキングなる論理的理論原理の発覚による理論騒動開始でもあり 社会を無知される方々による第3次理論戦争でもあります ... . 

Thirds startings

You are making some outrageous statements... Information is being controlled... You clearly have no knowledge of the Nazis...

とんでもないことを発言されます ... 情報の統制制御 ... 明らかにナチスを無知されておられます ... . 

Your Title

He makes statements by switching between social events and his own magnetic crystals...

社会事象や自己磁晶を切り替えて発言されておられます ... . 

two same as

main & sub


talk show

talking methods battle war


war roods

pair challenge ship cards war

fake all

speaking battle war

shut done war

Even the nation will continue to avoid responsibility for such serious social issues... Participation in national politics through evasion will continue to lead to World War III as we turn to the world for help... The lack of logical theory is a theoretical rebellion by uneducated people who do not go to school... It is a war that continues to shut down excellent theories...

あまりにも深刻なる社会事象の被告からの逃避は 国家さえも逃避し続けます ... 逃避による国政参加は 世界へその救援を求め 第3次世界大戦を誘発させ続けます ... 論理的理論原理  logics theory  の未整備 学校へ通学なき無学の方々による理論反抗です ... 優秀な原論を  shut done  させ続ける戦争です ... . 


sent so


knowledge battle

creative new Game

Nals system

deace sets