Thinking thoughts.!!


we otoco



All the transvestites are shy...extremely, endlessly shy...they are aware of their disadvantages and cry over the smallest things....

オカマする皆様はシャイ ... とてつもなく 果てなくシャイ ... 自らの不利を心得されておられ 少しのことでさえも涙されます ... . 

Okama suru minasama wa shai... Totetsumonaku hatenaku shai... Mizukara no furi o kokoroe sa rete ora re sukoshi no kotode sae mo namidasa remasu....

worlds trade

In the GATT and NY markets, which are moving at high rates, imports are taxed as tariffs and the state pays the taxes, and since the direct/indirect exchange rate fluctuates slightly, a floating exchange rate system that takes advantage of the time difference seems to be adopted... The state does not have a profit or loss, and can pay as much tax as it wants...

高めに推移するガットや NY 市場では 輸入は関税を租税し 国家が納税するシステムでもあり 直間比率が多少に変動するため 時差を利用する変動相場制が採用されている様です ... 国家は損益ではありません 幾らでも納税できます ... . 

Takame ni suii suru Gatto ya NY ichibade wa yunyū wa kanzei o sozei shi kokka ga nōzei suru shisutemu demo ari chokkan hiritsu ga tashō ni hendō suru tame jisa o riyō suru hendō sōbasei ga saiyō sa rete iru yōdesu... Kokka wa son'ekide wa arimasen ikura demo nōzei dekimasu....


Hearts make

state ceeder Nals system

talk happiness

Normally, it is polite to remain silent in a family restaurant...Happiness descends on those who chat. Therefore, your child is lively, he chats a lot, and knows how to have fun...

普通は ファミリーレストランでは無口でいるのが礼儀です ... オシャベリをされる方に幸福が降臨します ゆえに お子様は元気です よくオシャベリをされます 楽しみ方を心得ておられます ... . 

Futsū wa famirīresutorande wa mukuchide iru no ga reigidesu... Oshaberi o sa reru kata ni kōfuku ga kōrin shimasu yue ni okosama wa genkidesu yoku oshaberi o sa remasu tanoshimi-kata o kokoroete ora remasu....


There are a lot of weird old men...

ヘンナオジサンがいっぱい ... . 

Hen'naojisan ga ippai....


Meeting someone is an emotional experience... Loving each other is normal... The Ceeda.

普通に 出会いは感動でもあり ... 普通に 愛し合う ... the ceeda  .  

Futsū ni deai wa kandō demo ari... Futsū ni aishiau... The ceeda.

Seeds that resolve thoughts

There are people who take a relative position and make a profit from their ideological thinking... They are banished from the planet... If they disrupt society, they will be sentenced to banishment...

相対性の立場を取り 思想思考を営利されている方々がおられます ... 惑星追放系 ... 社会を乱すと追放が宣告されます ... . 

Aitaisei no tachiba o tori shisō shikō o eiri sa rete iru katagata ga ora remasu... Wakusei tsuihō-kei... Shakai o midasu to tsuihō ga senkoku sa remasu....

It is impossible for a seed to blossom in an ionization chain... It is impossible for a seed to profit from a relativity chain forever....

シーズが電離連鎖で花開くなどありえません ... 相対性連鎖で自己を営利することなど 永久にできえません ... . 

Shīzu ga denri rensa de hanahiraku nado ariemasen... Aitaisei rensa de jiko o eiri suru koto nado eikyū ni deki emasen....

Joke kind of, for you of means

There are people who are corrupting the relationship work... They cannot stop the social relationship work themselves... They are constantly making profits from the people who are expelled from the planet...

関係工作を不純されている皆様がおられます ... 社会関係工作を自己自身できえておられません ... 常に惑星から追放される人間を社会営利されておられます ... . 

Kankei kōsaku o fujun sa rete iru minasama ga ora remasu... Shakai kankei kōsaku o jiko jishin de kiete ora remasen... Tsuneni wakusei kara tsuihō sa reru ningen o shakai eiri sa rete ora remasu....


300.number dg-ritts

Citizens who have not received a high school education, known as dg-ritts, will become adults with a spirit of self-reliance... They will become adults through the theory of intermediate prison rehabilitation, where they are dependent on others, and will not be able to understand the democratic parliamentary system... Therefore, confinement to one's home is appropriate, and a lifestyle of blogging in one's room like Narus' is wise...

dg-ritts  という高等学校教育を受講なき国民の皆様は 自主自立の精神になえる形とも成人されます ... 誰かへ依存する中等刑務更正論での成人ですので 民主議会制度を御理解できません ... ゆえに 自宅での謹慎なるが妥当であり このナルスの様に部屋でブログする生活スタイルが賢明です ... .

Dg - ritts to iu kōtō gakkō kyōiku o jukō naki kokumin no minasama wa jishu jiritsu no seishin ni naeru katachi tomo seijin sa remasu... Dareka e izon suru chūtō keimu kōsei-ron de no seijindesunode minshu gikai seido o o rikai dekimasen... Yueni jitaku de no kinshin naruga datōdeari kono Narusu no yō ni heya de burogu suru seikatsu sutairu ga kenmeidesu....


If you don't understand the basics of sex between men and women... this is going to be a very difficult sex education... It's also a social issue that falls under school health, so individual guidance is probably the best option...

基本的男女セックス要項を御理解ない場合 ... これは かなり難しい性教育となります ... . 学校保健に分類内包される社会課題でもあり 個人指導が有力ではないかと思われます ... . 

Kihon-teki danjo sekkusu yōkō o gorikai nai baai... Kore wa kanari muzukashī seikyōiku to narimasu.... Gakkō hoken ni bunrui naihō sa reru shakai kadai demo ari kojin shidō ga yūryokude wanai ka to omowa remasu....

one more

Narus will develop a theory for sexual education for individuals as part of social security development projects, and will consider providing sexual comfort childcare services to citizens... This is a social welfare policy decided by the head of each region, and a welfare measure that can be established as a standing committee as a major topic in local assemblies... There are many people in Japan today who are expected to suffer the misfortune of being "banished from the planet" with a high probability... It is also a policy to increase personal pension assets, and it is a universal truth that a pension guarantee policy for personal eternal self-management costs is required...

ナルスなら 社会保障整備事業で 個人への性的指導教育概要を理論整備し 市民の皆様へ 出張サービスする性的慰安保育を検討は致します ... これは 各地域の首長が判断する社会福祉政策であり 地方議会でも主要議題として常任委員会を制度できる福祉対策でもあります ... 現日本国は かなりの確率で「惑星追放」なる憂き目が予想される方々が多数に存在しています ... 自己個人年金資産の上昇政策でもあり 個人永遠自己管理費用への年金保障政策が要望されている普遍的真実でもあります ... . 

Narusunara shakai hoshō seibi jigyō de kojin e no seiteki shidō kyōiku gaiyō o riron seibi shi shimin no minasama e shutchō sābisu suru seiteki ian hoiku o kentō wa itashimasu... Kore wa kaku chiiki no shuchō ga handan suru shakai fukushi seisakudeari chihō gikai demo shuyō gidai to shite jōnin iinkai o seido dekiru fukushi taisakude mo arimasu... Gen Nipponkoku wa kanari no kakuritsu de `wakusei tsuihō' naru ukime ga yosō sa reru katagata ga tasū ni sonzai shite imasu... Jiko kojin nenkin shisan no jōshō seisaku demo ari kojin eien jiko kanri hiyō e no nenkin hoshō seisaku ga yōbō sa rete iru fuhen-teki shinjitsu demo arimasu....


This is a law banning romantic relationships between men and women that is harsh on our ability to sleep at night...The symptoms are the same as the ones I'm experiencing today...If we don't take Alinamin or Weider In Jelly, we will face death...Our oxygen intake will begin to dwindle...Physical tests for these symptoms are an excess of human rights laws, and are the opinions of all of you who follow the principles of the Antimonopoly Act...Is romantic relationships necessary for life? These are the foolish questions that even you hardline communists have in your mind...

夜眠る睡眠に過酷する男女恋愛禁止法です ... 今の今日のこのわたくしと同じ症状です ... アリナミンやウイダーインゼリーを摂取しなければ 死へと直面する ... 酸素呼吸量が不足を始める ... これらの症状についての身体検査は超過人権法であり 独禁法を原理されている皆様方からの御意見です ... 生命に男女恋愛が必要であるのか この様な愚問さえも所持されている強硬共産主義の皆様方です ... . 

Yoru nemuru suimin ni kakoku suru danjo ren'ai kinshi-hōdesu... Ima no kyō no kono watakushi to onaji shōjōdesu... Arinamin ya uidāinzerī o sesshu shinakereba shi e to chokumen suru... Sanso kokyū-ryō ga fusoku o hajimeru... Korera no shōjō ni tsuite no karada kensa wa chōka jinken-hōdeari dokkinhō o genri sa rete iru minasama hō kara no o ikendesu... Seimei ni danjo ren'ai ga hitsuyōdearu no ka kono samana gumon sae mo shoji sa rete iru kyōkō Kyōsan shugi no minasama hōdesu....

What a nasty guy

Maririn monrow

left down eye




sun planets

littile fish




359 repeats... The name is perfect, but it can be played even if it's a little worn out... An unbelievable gay bar for your own enjoyment... The 9th most beloved by strange old men is 999, three nines, and can travel outside the planet on the Galaxy Express... Kenji Miyazawa's intention is a thread... It's a novel that makes love happy, called Silks... .

359 repeats  ...  名前としては申し分ないネーミングは 多少の縁のクサレでも再生できえます ... アリエナイ 自分で楽しむオカマバー ... ヘンナオジサン趣味の最愛9 は 999 スリーナイン 銀河鉄道で 惑星外へと進出できえます ... 宮沢賢治さんの意図は 糸 ... シルクスなる恋愛を幸福する小説です ... . 

359 Repeats... Namae to shite wa mōshiwakenai nēmingu wa tashō no en no kusare demo saisei de kiemasu... Arienai jibun de tanoshimu okamabā... Hen'naojisan shumi no saiai 9 wa 999 surīnain ginga tetsudō de wakusei-gai e to shinshutsu de kiemasu... Miyazawa kenji-san no ito wa ito... Shirukusu naru ren'ai o kōfuku suru shōsetsudesu....


cana maria

Related operations

As expected, everyone is still lacking in related operations

Now that there is even erasure

We must develop allow banking

Living expenses payment movement Allow

It is a system in which someone or something pays for the profits and losses of fraudulent operations on behalf of others.




Allow banking を発展させなければなりません

生活費支給運動  Allow


Kankei kōsaku yahari mada imada minasama wa kankei kōsaku o fubi fusoku sa rete ora remasu ireizu sae aru ima Allow banking o hatten sa senakereba narimasen seikatsu-hi shikyū undō Allow fusei kōsaku no son'eki o darekaga nanika ga dairi de shiharau shisutemudesu