Policies to resolve regional depopulation.!!
peace make
Suppression of the opposition alliance
Too happy, too free... I can't help but get excited... Supperssion, hurry, hurry, hurry... .
Greedy people are pushing for communism with all their might... More, more, more, higher, faster, more amazing... They hope for a life full of greed and are happy... .
喜びすぎて 自由すぎて ... 思わずはしゃいでしまう ... Supperssion 早く早く早く ... .
欲張りなる方々は 強硬に共産主義を推進されます ... もっともっともっと より高くより速くより凄く ... 欲にまみれる生活を希望幸福されます ... .
Yorokobi sugite jiyū sugite... Omowazu hashaide shimau... Supperssion hayaku hayaku hayaku.... Yokubarinaru katagata wa kyōkō ni Kyōsan shugi o suishin sa remasu... Motto motto motto yori takaku yori hayaku yori sugoku... Yoku ni mamireru seikatsu o kibō kōfuku sa remasu....
Social democratic party
The opposition alliance, who are not blessed with love, bring up different theories and exhaust all the logic that makes the system of fundamental theory invalid... They are people who are unable to follow principles and are unable to hold a debate... Even democracy has been transformed into egocentrism, so it is impossible to create a table for discussion... These are the logics that can already be solved by the policy of the National Public Safety Commission's rememory, and we must first agree to this...
愛に恵まれない反対同盟の方々は 異なる別の筋を持ち出し 原論という体系を不成立させる論理を供給し尽くします ... 原理不能なる方々なのであり 議論を成立させることを不能されています ... 民主主義さえも自己中心主義へと理論を変換されるので 話し合う なるテーブルを創設することができえません ... これらはすでに 国家公安委員会 rememory という政策で解決できる論理であり これへの同意を先ず必然します ... .
Ai ni megumarenai hantai dōmei no katagata wa kotonaru betsu no suji o mochidashi genron to iu taikei o fuseiritsu sa seru ronri o kyōkyū shi tsukushimasu... Genri funōnaru katagatana nodeari giron o seiritsu sa seru koto o funō sa rete imasu... Minshu shugi sae mo jiko chūshin shugi e to riron o henkan sa rerunode hanashiaunaru tēburu o sōsetsu suru koto ga deki emasen... Korera wa sudeni kokka kōan iinkai rememory to iu seisaku de kaiketsu dekiru ronrideari kore e no dōi o mazu hitsuzen shimasu....
sent soul of senso
go home
Go home... Everyone loves their hometown and hometown...
原理を自然する go home ... 人は誰でも 故郷やふるさとを愛し続けます ... .
Genri o shizen suru go home... Hito wa dare demo furusato ya furusato o aishi tsudzukemasu....
silentive war
Do they have the will to wage war or not? The members of the opposition alliance are making a fuss with vigor and vigor, shouting loudly and with great enthusiasm...
戦争をする意欲があるのかないのか ... 反対同盟の皆様は 元気に大騒動し 元気に大声でハツラツされています ... .
Sensō o suru iyoku ga aru no ka nai no ka... Hantai dōmei no minasama wa genki ni ōsōdō shi genki ni ōgoe de hatsuratsu sa rete imasu....
If you continue to march and progress by definitively defining your assumptions, you will be defeated... Assumptions are assumptions, assumptions are assumptions, and various things are happening irregularly on the ground...
前提を断定定義し 行進や進行を深め続けると 敗北いたします ... 前提は前提 想定は想定 現場は不規則に色々な事柄が事象しています ... .
Zentei o dantei teigi shi kōshin ya shinkō o fukame tsudzukeru to haiboku itashimasu... Zentei wa zentei sōtei wa sōtei genba wa fukisoku ni iroirona kotogara ga jishō shite imasu....
Sueyoshi donvavas
Even if you move to Soo Sueyoshi to transfer the Crown Prince and have him abdicate, the Crown Prince will not be entrusted to you... Soo Don Baba has no connection to the Crown Prince... This is a place where we aspire to be eternal citizens of society...
皇太子を移譲し 禅譲をしてもらおうと 曽於末吉に移住しても そのあなたへ皇太子が委託されるなどありません ... 皇太子とは無関係する曽於ドンババ ... 永遠なる社会市民を希求する場所です ... .
Kōtaishi o ijō shi zenjō o shite moraouto Soo suekichi ni ijū shite mo sono anata e kōtaishi ga itaku sa reru nado arimasen... Kōtaishi to wa mukankei suru Soo donbaba... Eien'naru shakai shimin o kikyū suru bashodesu....
Kagoshima osumi
The Osumi Peninsula is the final destination for the Tsugaru Japanese people of the Paleolithic Age, where the ancestors of the current Japanese people live, in the discriminatory and authoritarian Tsukimatoi... From the beginning, these Tsukimatoi have rejected the former Japanese people, expelling them from the tribe... Their roots are different... Here in Yamato, the land of the peaceful Tenpyo era, it is impossible for that discriminatory and authoritarian ideology to ever become the Japanese flag...
差別独裁主義のツキマトイで 現日本民族始祖のいる津軽大角旧石器時代の津軽日本民族が最終に逃れる地 大隅半島 ... 最初から このツキマトイは拒否し 部族から追放している旧日本民族です ... ルーツが異なる ... ここヤマトなる太平の甍ある天平の国で その差別独裁主義が日の丸になることなど永久にありえません ... .
Sabetsu dokusai shugi no tsukimatoi de gen Nihon minzoku shiso no iru Tsugaru Ōsumi Kyūsekkijidai no Tsugaru Nihon minzoku ga saishū ni nogareru ji Ōsumihantō... Saisho kara kono tsukimatoi wa kyohi shi buzoku kara tsuihō shite iru kyū Nihon minzokudesu... Rūtsu ga kotonaru... Koko Yamatonaru taihei no iraka aru tenpyō no kuni de sono sabetsu dokusai shugi ga hinomaru ni naru koto nado eikyū ni ariemasen....
The formation of a group that abandons reason and tries to build a philosophical theory among primitive barbarians is insanity... Society will never accept this insanity...
主義哲学を原始野蛮人で構築しようなどと 理性を放棄させる集会形成は異常狂気です ... 社会が この異常狂気を 受理するなど永遠にありません ... .
Shugi tetsugaku o genshi yaban hito de kōchiku shiyou nado to risei o hōki sa seru shūkai keisei wa ijō kyōkidesu... Shakai ga kono ijō kyōki o juri suru nado eien ni arimasen....
battle knowledge
The way of selling friends that the opposition alliance is implementing as a political policy is a very old Western thing, and there is no human being on Earth who is acting in this primitive barbarism these days... To all who are frightened by the principle... It is impossible for Catholicism to defend this in society...
反対同盟の皆様が政治政策されている 友を売るやりかた closet は もうかなり古い西洋の話で 今頃に この原始野蛮を行動されている地球人類などはおりません ... 原理に恐怖される皆様 close ... これをカトリックが社会擁護するなどありえません ... .
Hantai dōmei no minasama ga seiji seisaku sa rete iru tomo o uru yari kata kurozetto wa mō kanari furui seiyō no hanashi de imagoro ni kono genshi yaban o kōdō sa rete iru chikyū jinrui nado haorimasen... Genri ni kyōfu sa reru minasama kurosu... Kore o Katorikku ga shakai yōgo suru nado ariemasen....
There is no such thing as a fighting sport that involves opposing sides... Everything is done with mutual consent, and mutual attacks and defenses are repeated... There is no principle that allows opposing sides to fight. There is no such thing as fighting that does not even enter the ring...
反対をする格闘技などありません ... すべてを同意の上で 相互に攻撃と防衛が繰り返し行われます ... 反対同盟で格闘をできる原理などはありません リングにも上がらない格闘などはありません ... .
Hantai o suru kakutōgi nado arimasen... Subete o dōi no ue de sōgo ni kōgeki to bōei ga kurikaeshi okonawa remasu... Hantai dōmei de kakutō o dekiru genri nado wa arimasen ringu ni mo agaranai kakutō nado wa arimasen....
Boxing is about experience, and the average person with no experience is like a baby... No matter how strong you think you are, you will be knocked unconscious in an instant by a flyweight... Speed, accurate striking, physical reaction... It is a martial art in which defense and attack can be achieved through training...
ボクシングは 経験であり 無経験である一般の皆様は 赤子同然です ... 幾らケンカが強いと自負されても フライ級からは 瞬時気絶 を招いてしまいます ... スピードや的確なる打撃地点 身体反応 ... 防御と攻撃を訓練あり なしえる格闘技です ... .
Bokushingu wa keikendeari mu keikendearu ippan no minasama wa akago-dōzendesu... Ikura kenka ga tsuyoi to jifu sa rete mo furai-kyū kara wa shunji kizetsu o maneite shimaimasu... Supīdo ya tekikakunaru dageki chiten karada han'nō... Bōgyo to kōgeki o kunren ari nashi eru kakutōgidesu....
Narus has no experience in studying the ideology of rebels... how to rebel against a nation, government, or society... he has no experience in training for this study...
反乱分子を思想研究する経験はナルスにはありません ... どう国家や政府や社会へ反乱すれば良いのか ... この研究を訓練する経験などはありません ... .
Hanran bunshi o shisō kenkyū suru keiken wa Narusu ni wa arimasen... Dō kokka ya seifu ya shakai e hanran sureba yoi no ka... Kono kenkyū o kunren suru keiken nado wa arimasen....
main quality
Your Title
The writer of Nars is more excellent and pure than the people of today's society... I am expressing this. After 65 years of hard work, the opposition movement is still being formed...
ナルス執筆者は 現社会の皆様よりも優秀で清純です ... これを表現させていただいています 苦節65年 未だ反対運動が結成されております ... .
Narusu shippitsusha wa gen shakai no minasama yori mo yūshūde seijundesu... Kore o hyōgen sa sete itadaite imasu kusetsu 65-nen imada hantai undō ga kessei sa rete orimasu....
Nanal is a philosophy that aims to create the future with new things
e-ma festivals