





The foundation that promotes the Royal Family as a neo-Royalist will continue to hold ideal citizen gatherings to make leisure time enjoyable through music and the arts... dialogue and conversation... cherishing a feeling of kindness and cherishing all things, we will continue to nurture love and the heart...

王室を新王室主義するファウンデーションは 理想の市民集会を音楽や芸術で余暇を幸福し続けます ... 対話であり 会話 ... すべてを心優しく慈しむ気持ちを大切に 愛と心を育み続けます ... . 

Ōshitsu o shin ōshitsu shugi suru faundēshon wa risō no shimin shūkai o ongaku ya geijutsu de yoka o kōfuku shi tsudzukemasu... Taiwadeari kaiwa... Subete o kokoro yasashiku itsukushimu kimochi o taisetsu ni ai to kokoro o hagukumi tsudzukemasu....

Your Title

Anything is permitted... This wrath of God will cause chaos in the region, and will continue to lead to extinction... A policy that seeks its own honor and rewards, and betrays people one after another, will never be able to become a person, and will end up being severely reprimanded by the gods...

何を行うも許される ... この神の怒りを 地域主義する地方思想は 地域を騒乱し 廃絶へと誘導し続けます ... 自らの栄誉を求め 褒賞を求め ひとを次から次にうらぎる政策は ひとたりえず ひとなりえず 厳しく神々から戒められる結末ともなります ... . 

Nani o okonau mo yurusareru... Kono kaminoikari o chiiki shugi suru chihō shisō wa chiiki o sōran shi haizetsu e to yūdō shi tsudzukemasu... Mizukara no eiyo o motome hōshō o motome hito o tsugi kara tsugini uragiru seisaku wa hito tari ezu hi to nari ezu kibishiku kamigami kara imashime rareru ketsumatsu tomo narimasu....


ces style


Your Title

Media Form, the ces  ...  .  

媒体になる形 the ces ... . 

Baitai ni naru katachi ces

Your Title

Those of you who are against it, please switch to being in favor...

反対主義の皆様は どうか是非 賛成主義へと移行して下さい ... . 

Hantai shugi no minasama wa dō ka zehi sansei shugi e to ikō shite kudasai....

slip down

Silentive 313 of ces style is liberal, the slip down ... .

Beautiful friendship and love is defined as dianas....

美しい友情と愛を  dianas  と定めます ... . 

Utsukushī yūjō to ai o dianas to sadamemasu....

area main opinion


Mayor wife

Your Title

To all of you anti-people who are mistaken in your beliefs, your ideological abnormality is beyond imagination....

思いを間違えている反対主義の皆様 思想異常 ... 想像を絶する異常です ... . 

Omoi o machigaete iru hantai shugi no minasama shisō ijō... Sōzō o zessuru ijōdesu....



The reason why all the emaciated dogs seek eternal rest in their master's graveyard is because of the excess of loyalty and the infectious disease caused by the gene for loyalty... In a world without vaccines, they can treat themselves... They seek to survive on their own, withholding nutrients, and become emaciated... It is the self-formation of virus and antibacterial bodies, and as the magnetic field is related, they will heal themselves in the loyalty graveyard where their loyalty can be improved... They will be cured. Animals have already cultivated the spirit of surviving on their own since ancient times...

やせ細る犬の皆様が 御主人されて方の墓地で永眠を希求されるのは 忠誠心からの思想超過であり 忠義を奉公する遺伝子による伝染病です ... ワクチンなる時代のない世界では 自主で治療できえます ... 自力で生存を模索する 養分を控える やせ細る ... ウイルス抗菌体の自己形成であり 磁場が関係比率するので 忠誠心を向上できる忠義の墓地で自己を治療されます ... 治ります 動物類は古代から自らの力で生き抜く精神をすでにお培いあります ... . 

Yasehosoru inu no minasama ga goshujin sa rete hō no bochi de eimin o kikyū sa reru no wa chūsei kokoro kara no shisō chōkadeari chūgi o hōkō suru idenshi ni yoru densenbyōdesu... Wakuchin'naru jidai no nai sekaide wa jishu de chiryō de kiemasu... Jiriki de seizon o mosaku suru yōbun o hikaeru yasehosoru... Uirusu kōkin-tai no jiko keiseideari jiba ga kankei hiritsu surunode chūsei kokoro o kōjō dekiru chūgi no bochi de jiko o chiryō sa remasu... Naorimasu dōbutsu-rui wa kodai kara mizukara no chikara de ikinuku seishin o sudeni o tsuchikai arimasu....


All of you anti-people who are always making a profit from being cheerful and making everything cheerful are already rotating themselves endlessly... and will go back to the way they were....

いつも朗らかにを営利し なんでもかんでも朗らかにされている反対主義の皆様は すでに自己回転されています エンドレス ... また再び元に戻られます ... . 

Itsumo hogaraka ni o eiri shi nan demo kan demo hogaraka ni sa rete iru hantai shugi no minasama wa sudeni jiko kaiten sa rete imasu endoresu... Mata futatabi gen ni modora remasu....


You are all anti-Christians who have already given up everything, and I can sympathize with your feelings...I have also experienced the same thing, and I came close to losing my life, but I reflected on it, changed my ways, and have come to this point...It is not impossible to change your ways. Crying alone is good for your health. Cry as much as you want, and you will become healthier. Treat your teeth, make your gums healthy, and try to have regular bowel movements and urination...Please rest assured, we must create safety and stability....

すべてをもうすでに捨てている反対主義の皆様なのであり その心情を察することはできえます ... わたくしも その経験上 命を落とすところにまで到達あり 反省し 改心し 今に到りております ... 改心することは不可能ではありません ひとり涙するのは健康にも良いです どんどん泣いて下さい どんどん健康になります 歯を治療して下さい 歯茎を健康にして下さい 排便や排尿を定期できるように努力して下さい ... 安心して下さい 安全と安定を作らなければなりません .... . 

Subete o mō sudeni sutete iru hantai shugi no minasamana nodeari sono shinjō o sassuru koto wa deki emasu... Watakushi mo sono keiken-jō inochi o otosu tokoro ni made tōtatsu ari hansei shi kaishin shi ima ni itarite orimasu... Kaishin suru koto wa fukanōde wa arimasen hitori namidasuru no wa kenkō ni mo yoidesu dondon naite kudasai dondon kenkō ni narimasu ha o chiryō shite kudasai haguki o kenkō ni shite kudasai haiben ya hainyō o teiki dekiru yō ni doryoku shite kudasai... Anshin shite kudasai anzen to antei o tsukuranakereba narimasen. ....

ces style 313

Those of you who have exceeded your own psychology, spirit, imagination and thoughts are able to grasp social phenomena in an excessively exaggerated way... There is always something that does not exist... And always, always, definitions are made and the minds of people who naturally deviate are put at a disadvantage and avoided... You cannot stop it, you cannot hope for it to come true, you always live your life as it comes...

Therefore, it is abnormal....

心理や精神や想像や思想を 自己以上されている皆様は 超過過大に社会事象を捉えられます ... いつもそれはあるモノさえ ないと ... そして いつもいつも 定義をされ 自然につれずれするひとの心を不利と逃避されます ... 止められません 叶うをのぞまれません いつもいつもその時その時の生活をなされています ... . 

以上だから 異常 ... . 

I think I can't be cured

agree of brain

fields farm

cloud of kumo

mentive is brain

river side

life  川の流れのように

yes of brain


ハイ という返事


I have already posted a prose poem about the brain... I hope you will read it....

Everything leads to tomorrow...Today is not the end, it exists for tomorrow....It is important to know your brain, it is always with you, in your head....It is like a river that flows naturally....You can stop its flow with your thoughts, and make it come true with your wishes....The cells in your body are God, so trust them, make a wish, and always be thankful.The cells of humanity will re-expand and return to normal again....I am doing this training....My cells will be reborn, it is not impossible....You must wish, pray, ask, please, please, express your wishes to God....

すでに 脳についての散文詩は掲載させていただいております ... お読みいただければ幸いです ... . 

すべて 明日へとつながります ... 今日は終わりではありません 明日のためにあります ... . ブレインなる脳を知識することが重要です いつもそれはあなたにあります 頭の中にあります ... 自然に流動する川のようなものです ... . その流れを 思いで止める 願いで叶える ... 自分の体の細胞は 神様です 信頼して下さい そして願いをして下さい そしていつもいつも感謝して下さい 人類の細胞は再膨します また再び元に戻ります ... この訓練を僕はしています ... 僕の細胞は生まれ変わりわります 不可能ではありません ... . 願い 願う お願いする どうかどうぞと 神様へ願いを述べなければなりません ... . 

cue vase
