Fapra music energy.!!


moon planetarium of animative live, the serif.


Sayu: I still can't believe it, let's have sex

Don't be stingy

Ayu: That's not what we said

サーユ まだ信じられない セックスして下さい


アーユ 話がちがうよ


The story of Japan and its people... the process that led to it... the logic that governs it... the principles are all torn apart... It is a hypothetical war based on an impossible hypothetical imagination, and even an opposing struggle still exists...

日本国の話と 国民の話と ... それに至る経過と ... それを統治する論理と ... 原理がバラバラ ... 不能される仮定想像による想定戦争でもあり まだ反対闘争さえ存在しています ... . 

flow season

moon dure planets


Your Title

Money and sex... the world of instinct...

カネとエロ ... 本能の世界 ... . 

Japan new rentai main role

In today's Japan, where an animated living environment has already been depicted in live-action, the ideal is the stewardess, an anime lady... Yoshinaga Sayuri and Sayu's dream is a cheerful society that is also animated... Sayu, everyone believes in that ideal... Let's fly into the sky anytime...

アニメィティブな生活環境をすでに実写されている現日本国は アニメイレディなるスチュアーデスを理想と設定されています ... 吉永小百合・サーユの夢は 朗らかなる社会 でもあり アニメイティブ ... サーユ その理想をみんなは信じているよ ... いつでも 空へ飛んで行こう ... . 


That's not what we said...

I have chosen to live a life in which I shape my own economy, and I advocate the establishment of a republican economy..


話が違う ... . 

わたくしは 自己の生活経済を形成する人生を選択しており 共和経済の樹立を提唱しております ... . 

already, todays freedom-ridge

privation stolen ceeds money

Hackers who abuse the Internet Wide Web, ignoring individual human rights, are plotting profits on a daily basis to secure their own profits through prior investment... 20 million yen in compensation for damage... Many people are already ignoring human rights in this way, 24 hours a day...

個人的人権を無視し インタネートワルドワイドウェブを悪用するハッカーの皆様は 先行投資による自己利益利潤を確保されようと日々営利前提を画策されておられます ... 被害2000万円の弁償 ... すでに多くの方々がこれらの人権無視を24時間体制で実施されておられます ... . 

self corporative privation main opinion money

Furthermore, the foundation of my personal self-employed business has been misappropriated, even to the point of management rights being violated through fraud and blackmail... Damages amounting to 200 billion yen... Even these compensation payments continue to be ignored...

さらに 個人的自営事業の根幹を営利横領され 経営権にまで及び詐欺恐喝をなされておられます ... 被害2000億円 ... これらの損害賠償までをも無視され続けておられます ... . 

unknown Japan

The current Japanese economy, which is in default of the Freedom Ridge liberal economy, is suppressing incredible freedoms and continuing to implement discriminatory dictatorship, with the state taking over even personal assets... This meaningless liberalism is clearly malicious and continues to misappropriate the good people... The national collapse is a situation that calls into question the very existence of the Japanese people....

フリーダムリッジなる自由主義経済の総数を不履行されている現在の日本国経済は 信じられない程の自由を弾圧され 個人的資産にさえも国家占有なる差別独裁主義を政治行動され続けておられます ... これらの意味不明なる自由主義は 明らかに悪意であり 善良なる国民を営利横領され続けておられます ... 国家的破綻 このままでは 日本民族の永遠さえも危惧される状況です ... . 

region hearts

Amateras ceeds

The person I will consult with will be Amaterasu Oomikami, who is defined as a god in Japanese Shinto... This is also the lifestyle of an onmyoji who can maintain an independent government structure, and it is impossible to set the thoughts of ordinary people forever...

わたくしが相談する相手は 日本国神道が神と定義されている天照大御神なるアマテラス様へと設定させていただきます ... これは政府構造を自立できる陰陽師のライフスタイルでもあり 一般の皆様を思想設定することなど永久にできえません ... . 

Worlds ceeds

The world must protect and guarantee the current members of the Anti-Japan Alliance who are suffering from hallucinations... For the sake of world peace, we must continue to understand the thoughts and religion of the current Anti-Japan Alliance who continue to make "Your Bad Calls"... Please, please, I am prepared to stay in current Japan and continue to support everyone on earth forever. Please, please, forgive everything in current Japan...

幻覚症状にある現日本国反対同盟の皆様を 地球世界は保護保証しなければなりません ... 世界平和のためでもあり Your bad call を続けられている現日本国反対同盟の皆様の思想と宗教を理解し続けなければなりません ... どうかどうぞ このわたくしは現日本国に滞在し 地球世界の皆様へ永遠に支援をし続ける覚悟でございます どうかどうぞ 現日本国のすべてをお許し下さい ... . 

Space ceeds

The current opposition alliance in Japan continues to oppose and criticize the nation's hard work, calling it a disaster... These people will continue to exercise their betrayal to the point of the universe exploding forever... Discrimination is not possible, and dictatorship is not possible. Therefore, trust can never be built. In other words, we hereby declare that a psychological contract can never be made...

折角の国民努力を 和厄と称し 反対や叱責を続けられている現日本国の反対同盟の皆様です ... これらの方々は 宇宙が爆発する程のウラギリを永遠に行使され続けます ... 差別はできません 独裁もできません ゆえに 信頼を築けることなど永久にありません つまり 心理を契約することなど永遠にできえないことを ここに宣告申し上げます ... . 

Tskimatoi Hackers Japan old lady Girls

Even the local citizens are being bullied for the construction of palaces and royal palaces from the past... It is impossible for such past events to be developed again... Time has already moved to the future, and there is no going back to the past... Please, for the sake of tomorrow and the future, please control yourself theoretically...

過去の宮殿や王宮の建設を求められ 地域市民にまでツキマトイをされておられます ... もうこの様な過去の出来事が再度開発されるなどありえません ... 時はすでに未来へ動いているのであり 過去へ戻るなどありえません ... どうかどうぞ 明日のために 未来のために 自己を理論制御されて下さい ... . 

Starting of Japan rentai

cogo of sayuri yoshinaga siryu

rentai main role





Queens of areyu on the ayumi hamasaki

future mixing zone



People who are too numerous to even commit scams in front of train stations have formed an opposition alliance and are repeatedly engaging in rebellious acts with the aim of betraying others... The Yamaguchi-gumi and the Kozakura family are already global, and are in a bolsa alliance with the majority of the mafia. This has already invaded space. The entire communist group called Naterec has already joined forces with the mafia, and the planet's president has accepted and is promoting this...

駅前サギもやれない程の方々が反対同盟を結成され ウラギリを主旨する反逆行動を繰り返されておられます ... すでに山口組も小桜一家も世界的であり 大多数のマフィアへボルサ連合されておられます これは宇宙へもすでに侵攻しています Naterec なる共産主義団体すべてがすでにマフィアを連帯されておられ 惑星大統領もこれを受容し 推進されておられます ... . 

Your Title

Ganging is a self-imposed initiation system....

ギャンギングは 自ら自己へ宣告する入会制度です ... . 

flow reason

appointive plan


This support rate formation is an election strategy that is undertaken from childhood, and there will never be any political activity that ignores this.



