eN-worlding of silentive listen rule.!!
Ochocho is lady Girl mixations all, the mother kates.
Tskimatoi of female stolen is storks, lady Girl mother script table alls, hi mama.
Nals is aecosama, Japan lady Girl ceo methods all, the japan feel.
for the lady Girl all:
We male done-say of atomic energy bombing all today, the Nals ... .
lone alone wolf all
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USA America of starting male boy of area deffending stance is, Euro French SHanzerize openning starts, the area lady deffending male stocks all, the fighits ... .

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area deffending male:
Area social deffending is, non-worlds prorestlings, the Gun ... .
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Nals vision:
ナルスは すべてを慈しむ思想を皆様に御紹介するウェブサイトです ... .Narusu wa subete o itsukushimu shisō o minasama ni o shōkai suru u~ebusaitodesu....
Narus is a website that introduces to you the idea of cherishing everything...
Narus 是一個向您介紹珍惜一切理念的網站...Narus shì yīgè xiàng nín jièshào zhēnxī yīqiè lǐniàn de wǎngzhàn...
O Narus é um site que lhe apresenta a ideia de valorizar tudo...
for the all
house hold
home in
leaders club
インターネットを不正に悪用するのは社会的違法行為です ... ハッキングやハッカーは固く禁止されています ... .
Intānetto o fusei ni akuyō suru no wa shakai-teki ihō kōidesu... Hakkingu ya hakkā wa kataku kinshi sa rete imasu....65 / 5,000
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Translation result
Illegal misuse of the Internet is a social offense... Hacking and hackers are strictly prohibited....
rooming air circle-rings
people private free-vations
human life basements
social democratice:
過度に 異常に 社会的共有性質を企業公開するのは 芸術的芸能系企業経済システムにおける人類人間理想律の紹介でもあります ... .
インターネット・ワールドワイドウェブは 個人の自由が保証される社会的公共媒体であり これへの人権侵害は 国家思想法により厳しく咎められる社会則が国家憲法されています ... .
わたし達は 地球世界における国連人権法や地球世界金融貨幣取引システムの中での自由貿易協定ガットへの規則順守で現在の私生活を成立させています ... 個人が自由に著作活動する権利を社会が著しく営利するのは危険です 社会は常に民主主義を成立しえていなければなりません ... .
Kado ni ijō ni shakai-teki kyōyū seishitsu o kigyō kōkai suru no wa geijutsu-teki geinō-kei kigyō keizai shisutemu ni okeru jinrui ningen risō ritsu no shōkaide mo arimasu.... Intānetto wārudowaidou~ebu wa kojin no jiyū ga hoshō sa reru shakai-teki kōkyō baitaideari kore e no jinken shingai wa kokka shisō-hō ni yori kibishiku togame rareru shakai-soku ga kokka kenpō sa rete imasu.... Watashi-tachi wa chikyū sekai ni okeru Kokuren jinken-hō ya chikyū sekai kin'yū kahei torihiki shisutemu no naka de no jiyū bōeki kyōtei Gatto e no kisoku junshu de genzai no shiseikatsu o seiritsu sa sete imasu... Kojin ga jiyū ni chosaku katsudō suru kenri o shakai ga ichijirushiku eiri suru no wa kikendesu shakai wa tsuneni minshu shugi o seiritsu shi ete inakereba narimasen....Show less305 / 5,000
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Translation result
The excessive and abnormal disclosure of social sharing properties by companies is also an introduction of the ideal law of humanity in the artistic entertainment corporate economic system....
The Internet and the World Wide Web are social public media in which individual freedom is guaranteed, and human rights violations on this medium are severely punished by the national ideological law, as stipulated in the national constitution....
We have established our current private lives by complying with the rules of the United Nations Human Rights Law on the Earth and the GATT Free Trade Agreement in the global financial and monetary trading system.... It is dangerous for society to profit significantly from the right of individuals to freely engage in creative activities. Society must always be able to establish democracy....
silentive listen set
social peace make
safty peace
第2次世界大戦における太平洋戦争では 日本が米国へ戦線を布告し 戦争集結なる敗戦さえも自国で玉音する自閉的自立主義における狂言思想でもあります ... 自国一国で世界へ大戦への参加を宣言し 米国への戦闘を開始する先制攻撃をハワイ真珠湾攻撃あります ... さらに 自主自爆的行為での自主敗戦宣言であり 米国はこれへの内政侵犯は一切講じておりません ... 沖縄最終戦でさえも 日本軍自立自損兵が内地玉戦を布告あるわけであり 沖縄住民をガマへ確保し 敵国米国への内地戦闘誘導を画策あります ... .
わたし達は戦後の生まれであり これらの戦中や戦前の日本国の状態を責務責任できるのではありません ... .
すでに GHQ は解散あり この GHQ 占領下で許諾された日本国天皇制度は すでに日本国へその存続は委ねられております ... GHQ はすでに存在なく 代わりに CIA がこれを補線担当あります ... 戦争戦犯を自主自白する抵抗勢力は すでに行われている敗戦議決や敗戦受理や日米安保条約などのすべての保証を裏切る形となります ... .
すでに 昭和天皇は 米国広聴会で無罪を獲得し 日本代表がこれを有罪し 米国から追放されております ... .
Dai 2 jisekaitaisen ni okeru taiheiyōsensōde wa Nihon ga kome kuni e sensen o fukoku shi sensō shūketsu naru haisen sae mo jikoku de gyokuon suru jihei-teki jiritsu shugi ni okeru kyōgen shisō demo arimasu... Jikoku ichi kuni de sekai e taisen e no sanka o sengen shi kome kuni e no sentō o kaishi suru sensei kōgeki o Hawai shinjuwankōgeki arimasu... Sarani jishu jibaku-teki kōi de no jishu haisen sengendeari kome-koku wa kore e no naisei shinpan wa issai kōjite orimasen... Okinawa saishū-sende sae mo nippongun jiritsu jison-hei ga naichi-dama-sen o fukoku aru wakedeari Okinawa jūmin o gama e kakuho shi tekikoku kome kuni e no naichi sentō yūdō o kakusaku arimasu.... Watashi-tachi wa sengo no umaredeari korera no senchū ya senzen no Nipponkoku no jōtai o sekimu sekinin dekiru node wa arimasen.... Sudeni GHQ wa kaisan ari kono GHQ senryō-ka de kyodaku sa reta Nipponkoku ten'nō seido wa sudeni Nipponkoku e sono sonzoku wa yudane rarete orimasu... GHQ wa sudeni sonzai naku kawarini CIA ga kore o ho-sen tantō arimasu... Sensō senpan o jishu jihaku suru teikō seiryoku wa sudeni okonawa rete iru haisen giketsu ya haisen juri ya Ni~Tsu kome anpo jōyaku nado no subete no hoshō o uragiru katachi to narimasu.... Sudeni shōwadenkō wa kome Kunihiro Akira-kai de muzai o kakutoku shi nihondaihyō ga kore o yūzai shi kome-koku kara tsuihō sa rete orimasu....Show less544 / 5,000
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In the Pacific War of World War II, Japan declared war on the United States, and even defeat, which was supposed to be the end of the war, was a farce of autistic independenceism, with the Emperor's surrender being made in Japan... The attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii was a preemptive attack that declared Japan's participation in the war to the world and started fighting the United States... Furthermore, it was a self-destructive act of self-destruction, and the United States did not take any measures to violate its domestic affairs... Even in the final battle of Okinawa, the Japanese military's self-destructing soldiers declared war on the mainland, captured Okinawan residents in caves, and planned to lead them to fight in the mainland against the enemy country, the United States... We were born after the war, and we cannot be held responsible for the state of Japan during and before the war... GHQ has already been dissolved, and the existence of the Japanese Emperor System, which was approved under the occupation of GHQ, has already been entrusted to Japan... GHQ no longer exists, and instead the CIA However, this is a matter for the line... Resistance forces who voluntarily confess to war crimes would be betraying all guarantees that have already been made, such as the resolution to declare defeat, the acceptance of defeat, and the Japan-US Security Treaty... .
Emperor Showa has already been found not guilty at a US public hearing, and the Japanese representative has found him guilty and expelled him from the US...
heads set
comic manga
text story
silentive call
looking eye:
self heads of doing code is joke ... the smile raf take peace liberal all, the fine ... .

atama is can.Ga-yale ... Nan nan da row na ... .
Atama no naka no koto o ichīchi kōdō kōi suru wa arimasen bunshō o ichīchi kotoba de noberu mo arimasen56 / 5,000
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I don't have to act on everything that's in my head
I don't have to express sentences
in words
silentive listen hear set
people rule

listen rule
Watashi-tachi wa tora ya taigā tomo hanashi o suru koto ga dekimasu rissun kiku koto ga jōkendesu52 / 5,000
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Translation result
We can talk to tigers too.
You have to listen.