Educative Nals.!!


war leads-ation of all down now

for the all reason

damal silentive seating all

peace Japan:  

Accepting kichu science can be an example of ideal national harmony to other countries... It is the way for Japan to survive, and it can contribute to the spread of Japanese language, the language of thought, to the world free of charge... It is the second largest language export after oil....

kichu science なる受理は 理想的国家融和を現実に各国へ見本できえます ... 現日本国の生き残る道であり 思想言語なる日本語を 世界へ広める優利を無償で奉仕できえます ... 石油に次ぐ 言語の輸出です ... . 

peace e-one



kissing love

When a man and a woman kiss, everyone must cooperate...

男女がくちづけのキスをする行為へは すべてなるは協力をしなければなりません ... . 


peace love


Your Title

Peace is a different story. It is impossible to make society peaceful...

平和とは別の話で 社会を平和にすることなどできえません ... . 

You are Japan

Please understand the words....

言葉を御理解下さい ... . 

Your Title

Although I agree with the opinion, it is my true and honest opinion...

賛成意見なるが本当の本心なる話言葉です ... . 

tree words


The logic is that the other person comes first....

論理は 相手が 先 です ... . 


The essence of the principle is which one has the better brain...

原理本質は どちらが優秀な頭脳であるかです ... . 

Your Title

Don't die....

死んではいけません ... . 

stop the native action

pleace normal

Don't talk about something else, you'll end up as a hallucinated person...

別の話をするといけません 幻覚している人間となり果てます ... . 

please regulation

Do not be delusional about hallucinatory behavior, you will become the one who is hallucinating and will be abandoned....

幻覚行動を幻想感覚してはいけません 幻影している者となり 捨てられます ... . 

please justice

Please have the personality to act according to the essential theory as a basic social principle....

行動行為は 本質理論を行動行為するを基本的社会理念として人格所持して下さい ... . 

Your Title

I cannot believe that you can theorize about war and put into practice the principles... Are you one who puts into practice the principles of war... one who is shot down and destroyed?

戦争を理論し 原理を行為するなど 信じられません ... あなたは 戦争原理を行為するひとなのですか ... 撃たれ 破壊される者 なのですか?

normal set


social sets



natural sets



peace sets


Your Title

Belief will continue to make eternal ideals a reality....

信じるなるビリーブは 永久なる理想を現実し続けます ... . 


Please support the Japanese economy


kichu science is all normal people days, the kiss.