

sun shields flag cap


idle pop


I have the same problem with Amazon...

アマゾンでも同じ様に この悩みがあります ... . 

Amazon demo onaji yō ni kono nayami ga arimasu....


If you trust him enough to ask a would be foolish to do this to Uragil....

質問をする程に 信頼を寄せるなら ... これをウラギルのは愚かです ... . 

Shitsumon o suru hodo ni shinrai o yoserunara... Kore o uragiru no wa orokadesu....


Agricultural Cooperative Association Sex

sky hi fielding love


We have not prepared for the possibility of receiving opinions from the Agricultural Cooperatives authorities that ignore even the Agricultural Cooperatives Act... Therefore, we are unable to accept your questions...

農協という協同組合法さえも無視する御意見を 農協当局からいただくなど 想定を準備はしておりません ... ゆえに 御質問を受理する事などはできえません ... . 

Nōkyō to iu kyōdō kumiai-hō sae mo mushi suru o iken o nōkyō tōkyoku kara itadaku nado sōtei o junbi wa shite orimasen... Yueni o shitsumon o juri suru koto nado wa deki emasen....

Your Title

The basic structure of NALUS is based on the current Japanese agricultural cooperative system, and the reason there is no trusteeship is because there is distrust in the intentions of the authorities... This is due to this genuine feeling that we cannot cooperate...

ナルスの基本構造に 現日本国農協システムが主軸で管財なき理由は その当局の意向に不信を所持しているからでございます ... 協同できえない この本心によります ... . 

Narusu no kihon kōzō ni gen Nipponkoku nōkyō shisutemu ga shujiku de kanzai naki riyū wa sono tōkyoku no ikō ni fushin o shoji shite irukaradegozaimasu... Kyōdō de kienai kono honshin ni yorimasu....

Your Title

The country will never abandon anyone....

国は誰一人として見捨てることなどありません ... . 

Kuni wa darehitori to shite misuteru koto nado arimasen....

Your Title


The reason why we cannot imagine a life where we study and learn every single day forever is because we believe in a philosophy that has no ideology and that the time spent studying is meaningless and that life has no value, and in a principle-based socialism that says we should live a life of play... We are expected to live a life of safety and security while being protected....

勉強や学習を永遠に日々毎日する人生を描けないのは 学ぶなる時を無意味と人生価値する思想不在哲学でもあり 遊んで暮らすなる原理中心の社会主義を信奉されているためです ... 楽しくみんなで子供の様に遊び暮らす ... 保護されながらの安全安心なる暮らしを求められているからです ... . 

Benkyō ya gakushū o eien ni hibi mainichi suru jinsei o egakenai no wa manabu naru toki o muimi to jinsei kachi suru shisō fuzai tetsugaku demo ari asonde kurasu naru genri chūshin no shakai shugi o shinpō sa rete iru tamedesu... Tanoshiku min'nade kodomo no yō ni asobikurasu... Hogo sa renagara no anzen anshin'naru kurashi o motome rarete irukaradesu....


Terrible acts such as selling out people, friends, and countries cannot be considered economics... Selling oneself to avoid one's sins... Psychological behavior to avoid responsibility... Non-human thoughts... There is no basis for living in this universe with these human philosophies...

ひとや友や国を売るなるひどい行為を 経済とは認定はできえません ... 自らの罪を逃れるための売心 ... 責務を回避する心理行為 ... 人間ではない思想 ... これらの人類哲学でこの宇宙を生きられる根拠などはありません ... . 

Hito ya tomo ya kuni o uru naru hidoi kōi o keizai to wa nintei wa deki emasen... Mizukara no tsumi o nogareru tame no-uri kokoro... Sekimu o kaihi suru shinri kōi... Ningende wanai shisō... Korera no jinrui tetsugaku de kono uchū o iki rareru konkyo nado wa arimasen....

Your Title

It's difficult to find your subject...You can't make education or guidance essential...Your titleWhat are you lacking, inadequate, or unable to do...How can you become independent?...If you consider this time to be happy, it will continue forever...You can't value trust with this betrayal and disloyalty....

あなたの主題を 見つけることが困難です ... 教育や指導を本質することができません ... Your title あなたは何を不足し 不備し 不能し ... どうすれば あなたは自立できるのか ... この時を幸福とするなら それが永遠と続く時となり果てます ... ウラギリ この背任主義で 信頼を価値にすることなどできえません ... . 

Anata no shudai o mitsukeru koto ga kon'nandesu... Kyōiku ya shidō o honshitsu suru koto ga dekimasen... Your taitoru anata wa nani o fusoku shi fubi shi funō shi... Dōsureba anata wa jiritsu dekiru no ka... Kono toki o kōfuku to surunara sore ga eien to tsudzuku toki to nari hatemasu... Uragiri kono hainin shugi de shinrai o kachi ni suru koto nado de kiemasen....

understanding level-eN

limitte cero

The profit-free plan that caters to the masses is an ideology that presupposes production in commerce, agriculture, and other fields as service, and treats the business itself as leisure and vacation... self-contained... a discriminatory dictatorship that places the ego, the self, at the center, and nothing else....

大衆に迎合する利益不在計画は 商業や農業などの生産を奉仕と前提する思想であり 事業そのものを余暇と有休します ... 自己完結 ... 他はなく 自分なる我を主とする差別独裁主義です ... . 

Taishū ni geigō suru rieki fuzai keikaku wa shōgyō ya nōgyō nado no seisan o hōshi to zentei suru shisōdeari jigyō sonomono o yoka to yūkyū shimasu... Jiko kanketsu... Hoka wanaku jibun'naru ga o omo to suru sabetsu dokusai shugidesu....

eternal = 1 

The idea of ​​agricultural cooperatives, which separates eternity from the one-off life, organizes regional divisions that divide the region... This is because agriculture is legally defined as a cooperative and it excludes all aspects of the economy... It is a collective theory of working together to farm locally, and it is also social communism that is established by dividing the region into small, fine pieces... There is no hope for huge free farms...

人生をただの一度切りと永遠を切り離す農協思想は 地域を分断する地域分団を編成します ... 農業を協同組合と司法定義するからであり 経済のすべてを排除するからです ... 協力して地域農業をするなる集団理論であり 地域を小さく細かく分断し成立する社会共産主義でもあります ... 巨大な自由農園などは望めることではありません ... . 

Jinsei o tada no ichido kiri to eien o kirihanasu nōkyō shisō wa chiiki o bundan suru chiiki bundan o hensei shimasu... Nōgyō o kyōdō kumiai to shihō teigi surukaradeari keizai no subete o haijo surukaradesu... Kyōryoku shite chiiki nōgyō o suru naru shūdan rirondeari chiiki o chīsaku komakaku bundan shi seiritsu suru shakai Kyōsan shugi demo arimasu... Kyodaina jiyū nōen nado wa nozomeru kotode wa arimasen....

now = today

Nazis and fascists cannot run an agricultural cooperative, and it is impossible for them to control the cooperative with ill will... Because bad people cannot run a farm...

農協でナチスやファッショは不可能であり 悪意で協同を管理統制できえるなどありません ... 悪人で農業をできるなどないからです ... .

Nōkyō de Nachisu ya fassho wa fukanōdeari akui de kyōdō o kanri tōsei de kieru nado arimasen... Akunin de nōgyō o dekiru nado naikaradesu....

Your Title

The contradiction of pandering to the masses and concealing one's own identity is... disgusting...

大衆に迎合し 自己を秘匿するという矛盾は ... 気持ちわるいものがあります ... . 

Taishū ni geigō shi jiko o hitoku suru to iu mujun wa... Kimochi warui mono ga arimasu....

local sick

all all

in all


all all all

by all


all all all all

for all


real Gain-G.two

The stubborn and stubborn attitude that the opposite is natural is based on the expectation that it is natural, and continues to be limited to socialism in self-prediction... socialism... not self-prediction, but self-centeredness... it can be democracy and a free republic... it can be possible... these predictions include self-prediction....

反対であるを 当然であると 頑固に意固地する姿勢は それが自然であると予想する理由からであり 自己予測における社会主義に限定され続けます ... 社会を主義する ... 自己を主義せず 自己を中心と主義する ... それが民主主義であると自由共和できる ... できる 可能である ... これらの予想予測には 自己を統計しています ... . 

Hantaidearu o tōzendearu to ganko ni ikoji suru shisei wa sore ga shizendearu to yosō suru riyū karadeari jiko yosoku ni okeru shakai shugi ni gentei sa re tsudzukemasu... Shakai o shugi suru... Jiko o shugi sezu jiko o chūshin to shugi suru... Sore ga minshu shugidearu to jiyū kyōwa dekiru... Dekiru kanōdearu... Korera no yosō yosoku ni wa jiko o tōkei shite imasu....

pals music

silentive shadow