Allow system.!!


What on earth is this?




web blog

silentive reads:  

Picking a fight with others and society is not what an ideal queen of a country should be... Antawa oman na... There is no elementary school that can lead society with such bad words....

他人や社会へケンカを売ることが 理想的国の女王であるのではありません ... アンタワ オマンナ ... この様な柄のワルイコトバで 社会を引率できえる小学校などはありません ... . 

Tanin ya shakai e kenka o uru koto ga risō-teki kuni no joōdearu node wa arimasen... Antawa oman'na... Kono samana gara no waruikotoba de shakai o insotsu de kieru shōgakkō nado wa arimasen....


The rule of thumb when living in the city is to not do anything stupid...

街で暮らす上では メダタナイコト これが原則です ... . 

Machi de kurasu uede wa medatanaikoto korega gensokudesu....

one thousands

Diplomatic Apple

beaf stake

local talk

You intended to speak standard Japanese, but you were speaking Kagoshima dialect... I have no idea what you're saying...

標準語で話しているつもりが 鹿児島弁 ... あなたの言うことを わたしはさっぱりわかりません ... . 

Hyōjun-go de hanashite iru tsumori ga kagoshima-ben... Anata no iu koto o watashi wa sappari wakarimasen....

Head in standard Japanese, voice in Kagoshima dialect

There is a technique for thinking things through, which is to sense the sound waves (pals)...

ツブヤキながら物事を考えるという手法があり 音波  pals を感覚することです ... .

Tsubuyakinagara monogoto o kangaeru to iu shuhō ga ari onpa pals o kankaku suru kotodesu....


Calmness... In a word, there are times when logic is not easily applied to this... Adding something... This is calmness, and it can be understood as including oneself in the temporal property of timing...

平常心 ... ただ一言で言う この事に なかなか 論理が原理しない場合があります ... 何かを付け足す事 ... これが平常心であり タイミングという時間的性質へ自己を内包させていくこと と理解できます ... . 

Byōjōshin... Tada hitokoto de iu kono koto ni nakanaka ronri ga genri shinai baai ga arimasu... Nanika o tsuketasu koto... Kore ga byōjōshindeari taimingu to iu jikan-teki seishitsu e jiko o naihō sa sete iku koto to rikai dekimasu....


I can't follow your profits

Literature...It is expressed as walking as if crossing a stone bridge....

In reality, it is as if crossing a suspension bridge, so it can also be expressed as walking cautiously across the entertainment variety show called stone bridge....

文学 ... 石橋を渡る様に歩く と表現されます ... . 

実際には 吊り橋を渡る様に であり おそるおそる ... 石橋という娯楽バラエティを おそるおそる歩く という表現にもなります ... . 

Bungaku... Ishibashi o wataru yō ni aruku to hyōgen sa remasu.... Jissai ni wa tsuribashi o wataru yō nideari osoruosoru... Ishibashi to iu goraku baraeti o osoruosoru aruku to iu hyōgen ni mo narimasu....

Social Democratic Party

The current Social Democratic Party in Japan...There are many beautiful women, and if they run for office in their district, men will entrust their vote to them, thinking that they might do something good...This is the current election law in Japan...There is no point in expressing yourself. It is a voting law that prioritizes honesty without much thought...

現日本国の社民党 ... きれいな美しい女性がたくさんおられます 地区から立候補されれば 男性はイイコトがあるかもしれないと 一票を託す ことともなります ... これが現日本国における選挙法です ... あまり自己を表現する意義はありません 軽い気持ちで正直を優先させる投票法です ... . 

Gen Nipponkoku no Shamintō... Kireina utsukushī josei ga takusan ora remasu chiku kara rikkōho sa rereba dansei wa ī koto ga aru kamo shirenaito ichi-pyō o takusu koto to mo narimasu... Kore ga gen Nipponkoku ni okeru senkyo-hōdesu... Amari jiko o hyōgen suru igi wa arimasen karui kimochi de shōjiki o yūsen sa seru tōhyō-hōdesu....

I can't, profit of you.

Japan has a social democratic Social Democratic Party... We are happy just to have this. I hope that one day, someday, we will have a meal together with these courageous Japanese women, be happy, and envision a wonderful future...

社会民主主義なる社民党のある日本 ... わたし達は これだけでも幸せです いつか いつの日か この勇気ある日本の女性の皆様と食事をし 幸福し ... 素晴らしい未来を描けたらと思います ... . 

Shakai minshu shugi naru Shamintō no aru Nihon... Watashi-tachi wa kore dake demo shiawasedesu itsuka itsunohika kono yūki aru Nihon no josei no minasama to shokuji o shi kōfuku shi... Subarashī mirai o kaketara to omoimasu....

on the space


In the countryside, people pride themselves on being extremely refined, aesthetically pleasing, and wonderful people... In the capital city, it is a society where various schemes and schemes are intertwined, resulting in complex and difficult psychological situations...

ものすごく上品で美的で素晴らしい人間であると自負されるのが地方です ... 首都の都会は 様々な工作や画策が入り乱れる複雑で難しい心理を必然する社会です ... .

Monosugoku jōhinde bitekide subarashī ningendearu to jifu sa reru no ga chihōdesu... Shuto no tokai wa samazamana kōsaku ya kakusaku ga irimidareru fukuzatsude muzukashī shinri o hitsuzen suru shakaidesu....

Stork cal system

It's the locals who can act cute...

ブリッコできるのも地方の方々です ... . 

Burikko dekiru no mo chihō no katagatadesu....

Allow cero style

In the cities, socialism is on the same level... Peace and harmony in this world are being made fun of...

都会では 同じ位相次元での社会主義となります ... この中での平和と融和がジョークされ続けます ... . 

Tokaide wa onaji isō jigen de no shakai shugi to narimasu... Kono Chū de no heiwa to yūwa ga jōku sa re tsudzukemasu....

Breakups will not create friendship

I don't think I'll live forever on this earth... If I don't aim for something far away, my life won't last long...

僕は この地球で永遠に ... などとは考えてはいません ... まだまだ遠く先にあるものへ目指しをつけなければ このわたくしの命などは 長続きしません ... . 

Boku wa kono chikyū de eien ni... Nado to wa kangaete wa imasen... Madamada tōku sakini aru mono e mezashi o tsukenakereba kono watakushi no inochi nado wa nagatsudzuki shimasen....

To Live

music sound



utopia resorts plan



life preservation project

Call fusion

social democratic party


Narus, which aims for a wealthy life, continues to recreate local values ​​in various social phenomena. Its ideal is a social and civic life, Utopia, which resembles the former California in the United States....

裕福なる生活を目指しているナルスは 様々な社会事象における地域的価値を再創造し続けます その理想は 社会市民生活  Utopia であり かつての米国カリフォルニアに似てはいます ... . 

Yūfukunaru seikatsu o mezashite iru Narusu wa samazamana shakai jishō ni okeru chiiki-teki kachi o sai sōzō shi tsudzukemasu sono risō wa shakai shimin seikatsu topiadeari katsute no kome-koku Kariforunia ni nite wa imasu....

I can't profit of you.

plantive sex

In Ochocho Village,

there is an effort to eradicate the idea of ​​"lady loss"

I think that's the case

The disadvantages of asking questions to others are also being questioned

It is a misconception that cities are the ideal society depicted in school textbooks


" 女で失敗する  Lady loss "  なる思想払拭に懸命です






Ochocho mura ni okeru" on'na de shippai suru redī loss" naru shisō fusshoku ni kenmeidesu boku ga sōdearurashī tanin e shitsumon suru koto no furieki mo shitsu gi no taishō to sa rete imasu toshi tokai wa gakkō kyōkasho no risō shakaidearu to gokai sa rete imasu